Jan 5, 2015

Rustic homemade Dreamcatcher

Oh how I love dreamcatchers! We have a few scattered about the house, including dreamcatcher necklaces and earrings - but I have never attempted to make one.... until now.

We've had a very rainy day which equals very bored children. I had been pinning a few dreamcatcher tutorials on Pinterest - and with a drawer full of feathers, wool and string I thought we'd have a go.

We'd just taken our homemade Christmas wreath down, and knowing how supple the holly branches are I stripped a small one of its leaves and made a crude circle and bound it together with some grey wool.

I used a very basic diagram (see in photos). Taking a very long strand of wool I started to loop the wool in and out of the circle, it is important to make a small loop as you go. You basically keep going with the weave until you get near the centre, where you just tie it.

I have to say - I was pretty impressed with how easy it was. My daughter then helped to tie some coloured feathers onto lengths of string (we got these cheaply in The Works). We then used some strands of lace ribbon (Tiger) and tied a couple of bells on too.

Presto - one native boho rustic looking dreamcatcher. Very basic but hopefully the first of many creations.

#dreamcatcher #diy #craft #feathers #lace #wool #holly #branch #homemade #project #native #navajo