Aug 9, 2016

#ExplorerKids - Round-up #20

I can't believe it was five months ago that Su from Ethan and Evelyn approached me via email with the idea of setting up an Instagram community involving kids and travel - thus #ExplorerKids was born - and I've discovered lots of beautiful Instagram feeds to follow through it.

#ExplorerKids is an Instagram hashtag which anybody is welcome to use to tag pictures of their children on their adventures, exploring the world and on their travels. Pictures can be old or new, home or away.

We are close to having 3000 images in our gallery and people have joined in from all over the world which is fantastic.

Please give @kippersandcurtains and @ethannevelyn a follow to see who has been featured each Tuesday.

My favourites this week are:

Top left: @theordinarymum - ''Times and conditions change so rapidly that we must keep our aim constantly focused on the future.'- Walt Disney. This beautiful picture was taken in Plymouth, Devon.

Top right: @clarina1985 - A beautiful image taken in Norway - a place I would love to visit some day.

Bottom left: @topsyturvytribe - Loving this picture taken by a frugal travelling family who are currently in Spain. The backdrop is gorgeous.

Bottom right: @littleladiesbigworld - I love how the beach and sea are both glistening in this picture.

A big thank you to everybody for allowing me to use your images and for continuing to tag #ExploreerKids.

Remember to check out Ethan and Evelyn to see who Su has picked this week.
