Sep 6, 2016

#ExplorerKids - Round-up #24

To celebrate six months of #ExplorerKids - for the month of September, myself and Su have decided to feature eight of our favourites every week instead of four.

Every Tuesday myself and Su, from Ethan and Evelyn, choose some favourites from our lovely little Instagram community to feature on our blogs and on social media. We've recently reached 3,900 images - brilliant!

Anybody at all can join in, just tag pictures of your children adventuring, exploring on their travels or at home with #ExplorerKids

This is a global community, Su and I really enjoy looking at the amazing photographs that are tagged daily.

It would be great if you could give us both a follow @kippersandcurtains and @ethannevelyn

My 8 favourites this week are:

Top left: @littleladiesbigworld - Great capture taken during a family holiday in France.

Top right: @lisapomerantzer - This timeless picture was taken at Wissahickon Creek in Pennsylvania - I just love it!

Bottom left: @chiswizz - A lovely shot taken at Porth Nanven beach in Cornwall.

Bottom right: @campfiresandkids - I just love their feed - art time in the wilderness, taken by the Yukon river in Alaska.

Top left: @wavetomummy - Enjoying the lovely sandy beach at Folkestone in Kent.

Top right: @expat.adventures - So cute - exploring the streets of Malta.

Bottom left: @sands_heard - Chilling by this pretty pond in England.

Bottom right: @travelling_family - Wow check out the infinity pool in Dhulikel, Nepal with the Himalayas in the background.
