Oct 31, 2016

#ExplorerKids - October round-up

Happy Samhain (or Halloween) - who's celebrating tonight? To the ancient Celts, the year had two hinges. These were Beltaine (the first of May) and Samhain, pronounced saaah-win, (the first of November), which is also the traditional Celtic New Year.

Many Pagans today emulate the historic customs of Samhain, and attempt to reconstruct festivities as accurately as possible.

This often involves praising the dead at a small shrine, where a meal is placed down as a means of inviting the dead to dinner.

Deathly songs, poems and dances are performed before candles are left burning to guide the dead home.

Enough of the history lesson - back to #ExplorerKids - this little Instagram community which I co-host with Su from Ethan and Evelyn, has reached over 7600 images now. I think we'll have to do something special when we reach 10,000!

I have done a quick round-up of some of my favourites from the month of October.

Here are my favourites:

Top row: @mrs.chellebelle, @dilan_andme and @mr.adamrobertson, @3kidsandabackpack

Middle row: @alittleatlarge, @freerange_fairytale, @heidiheaphy

Bottom row: @pinkpearbear, @bhieatiful, @domesstique

Thanks so much to all who join in and tag their photos every single day, we really enjoy looking through all of them.

You can follow us both @kippersandcurtains and @ethannevelyn

Enjoy your day everyone!

#ExplorerKids #familytravel