Aug 6, 2018

Memory Forests

"But in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Benjamin Franklin.

Not a pleasant subject - but inevitable that at some point, we will have to leave this world and it is good to talk with family and friends about funeral plans and ideas. I must admit, I wouldn't know where to start.

I have been to three funerals in the past - my first was very sad, a work colleague who was only 30, he had cancer, it was a cremation and a very sombre affair. It didn't really seem fitting with his character, there where hymns, everyone wore black and it just wasn't what I imagined he would have wanted.

The other two were my grandparents, both were burials and the service took place in their local church. Again both very sad days.

Personally I love the thought of a Memory Forest. Instead of cemeteries with grave stones imagine walking through a beautiful forest of trees. What happens is; a tree is planted with your cremated remains in a living urn or pod which will then grow into a beautiful tree. In Italy they are trying to develop the concept of the body being encapsulated in the fetal position in a pod or egg - this will then by buried with the tree roots.

There are over 270 natural burial sites in the UK. Some are run by local authorities others are privately owned and run by the landowners and their families.

In natural burial grounds people are buried in biodegradable containers, without formaldehyde-based embalming fluid. Meaning that they are returned to the earth to compost into soil nutrients. Doesn't this all sound so much more natural?

My other choice would be a cremation to have the ashes scattered somewhere lovely and peaceful. Many choose to have their ashes scattered in the sea or at a beautiful park - somewhere with meaning to them.

My husband has always said that he wouldn't want people to dress in black at his funeral, he also likes the idea of everybody telling a joke and he has specific songs that he would like played. These choices have not changed over the years of discussion. Brothers in Arms by Dire Straits, Who Wants to Live Forever or The Show Must Go On by Queen.

Have you any thoughts on natural funerals?

*This is a collaborative post*

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