Aug 29, 2018

Ideas for a rare and wonderful date night

Updated: Jan 18, 2022

When you become parents, date night is an occurrence that’s few and far between, we have been known to go five years between night's out, so when you actually get the chance to spend some quality time together, it can be overwhelming when it comes to deciding what to do with your precious spare time.

The decision can be made even harder when you don’t have a lot of spare money to play around with, or if you may just feel sluggish or not in the mood for a romantic evening. However, this doesn’t mean that you and your loved one should miss out on date night. Once those male pheromones start to fill the air, you'll soon find yourselves starting to relax and let your hair down a bit. Take a look at these fabulous date night ideas for those rare and wonderful date nights with the person you love.


More often than not, date nights are planned well in advance because you’ll need to find a babysitter for the children and also arrange travel and even accommodation. However, planning well in advance also has its advantages like being able to save more money for the occasion, and being able to have something to look forward to at the end of a long month at work. Take a look at these amazing date night ideas that you can plan in advance:

  • Escape rooms are a wonderful idea for couples that enjoy puzzles and working together as a team. You will be presented with a few rooms that you’re locked in, and you have to work out the puzzles put in front of you to escape the room. Of course, there’s a time limit, but achieving this together will bring an amazing feeling of closeness, all while being super fun at the same time!

  • If you’re more of the type to enjoy fine entertainment rather than be the entertainment, then why not book yourselves some tickets to popular plays and musicals so that you’re able to enjoy watching performances together? Pair that with a slap up meal beforehand and a hotel for afterwards and you’ve got the perfect date night.

  • For those that are really looking to pull an amazing time out of the bag, why not whisk your partner away for a few nights somewhere in the middle of nowhere? Switch of phones, cook a slap up meal, cosy up with a few good films and see where the night takes you!

  • Head to a casino. Okay, so you can’t really save for this kind of date night, but as long as you set yourself limits on what you’re spending, you can spend the whole night having some fun with the person you love the most. You never know, you might walk out richer than when you came in! It’s also a fantastic way of feeling like you’re living the life of luxury, and it’s a great way of reigniting any sparks between you!


While planned dates are lovely, sometimes the best nights of your life can come from a completely random place - and without warning too. Say for example, your parents offer to have the children for the night...what do you do? No worries, we’ve got some amazing ideas for an impromptu date night!

  • Go out to your favourite pub and join your friends for the night. As you know, when you’re parents it can be hard to find time for your friends and be sociable, so take this opportunity! If you really want to make the night feel special, make the effort to dress up so that you feel good while looking good!

  • Spend the night in together. We all know how hard it is when money is tight, so spare on the cash and order in a take away, a few of your favourite drinks, and have a rest from watching kid's TV all day!

  • Go bowling or play pool with your partner. Both are games most enjoyed when playing with someone, so why not find the nearest establishment and enjoy a night of competitive fun together?

  • Go for a long walk together. If you’re lucky enough to live somewhere scenic, then why not take a nice long midnight walk together? You could pack a flask of your favourite tipple, take some blankets and enjoy some time with just you two, and nature.

As you can see, whether you’ve been planning a date night for months, or you’ve just been given the opportunity, there’s always something to do - even if you stay in! The most important part of it all is that you’re both enjoying spending quality time together!

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