Feb 28, 2019

Enjoying the February sun

[Ad] contains gifted men's clothing.

Wow, what amazing weather we have had this tail end of February! Some much needed sunshine, blue skies and warmth are just what the doctor ordered. The winter months can be a pretty drab and miserable time for a lot of us.

We have tried to make the most of this lovely weather and have headed out on a few walks recently. January had been quite a lazy month for us, I say lazy, I guess we have been busy working and trying to get our home in order so we didn't actually get out and about as much as usual.

Last weekend we took one of our old walking routes, local to where we live. We started off at the top of Tillingdown Hill in Caterham and walked along the public bridleway towards the birch woods that run next to the Caterham bypass.

The dog was overdue a long walk so he relished it. We continued up towards the former Tillingdown Farm which is now a building site for new houses. It is fenced off but there is still a pathway through to the valley heading into Woldingham. It's so sad to see that all the old farm houses are gone. I have written about our many adventures peeping inside the long abandoned houses before.

It was extremely peaceful and we didn't meet a single soul, so Loki was free to run as he pleased (he did chase a poor pheasant though). We took a route uphill towards the pine woods, Shannon found a little skull we think it could be a wood rat or a squirrel? She also found what she has decided is a fossil.

Lee has been working a six day week recently so I think he was especially glad for the fresh air. He rarely gets time to relax at the moment - he even got to wear his new clothes, something of a rarity, we have been together over 20 years and I swear he still wears the same pants.

The valley is one of his favourite places, he's been walking there since he was a child so he knows lots of little short cuts. My navigation is pretty rubbish, I rely on him to get us all home in one piece.

Our walk was circular and we ended up walking back across the bridge over the Caterham bypass, through the woods and to the park on Timberhill Road. We walked five miles and I seriously felt so good after it.

The added bonus was that we also wore the dog out and he slept for the rest of the afternoon too. And the best thing of all was - it didn't cost me anything, we took water bottles and a snack with us, there was no moaning and we arrived home happy.

A win-win!

#February #weather #walks #woodland #fashion #Jacamo #Tillingdownfarm