Today was one of those rare occasions that Lee had a day off - and the sky was blue! Almost unheard of in the last few days.
The destination of today? Pooh Corner!
The home of Winnie the Pooh, or "willy poo" as my son affectionately named him. A place I have seen pictures of - but never been before.
It is in a village called Hartfield in Sussex not far from East Grinstead. On the High Street you will see the lovely sign hanging from a post, next to the tea room and gift shop. A short drive away is Pooh Bridge where you can drop sticks over and race them down the stream.
We are not the most grown-up of grown-ups - fact! Seeing the word pooh everywhere is quite amusing - even the toilet said "Poo Room". Once you've reached the car park you can follow a trail through the Ashdown Forest which leads you to the lovely little bridge over a stream. The forest is really pretty too. Totally worth a looksee.