Well it's been an odd week weather wise in South East England, considering that it's Spring, we've had brilliant blue skies, sunshine, rain, thunder and snow! Yep - big old polystyrene style balls of snow - like someone up there is shaking out the contents of a bean bag.
We're back to overcast skies today with a bit of sun peaking through. Looking through all the #ExplorerKids pictures on Instagram has brightened up my day.
Su and I have decided that we'd like to do a round-up of some of our favourites from this month. Here are just a few of my faves.

Top row: domesstique, verymuchsoblog, fourbearsandme
Middle row: seemonkeysmiles, stuntfredi, jacinthahyacintha
Bottom row: bumbismom, ethannevelyn, fivelittledoves
Aren't these pictures great? We have been running this community for a month and it's so nice to see that people are joining in with the hashtag.
Tag your pictures #ExplorerKids and follow kippersandcurtains and ethannevelyn to see our weekly favourites each Tuesday. The pictures can be of children exploring, adventuring and travelling worldwide. We'd love to see them! So far we've had pictures from Indonesia, Thailand, Europe, the USA and the UK - thanks you so much to everybody for joining in.