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#ExplorerKids - Round-up #10

Wow, we're just home from an amazing long weekend at Elderflower Fields festival in East Sussex. I'm rather achy after sleeping in a tent for three nights, but we had a really fantastic time. I wish I didn't have to go to work this morning!

I've just had a peak at all the #ExplorerKids images over on Instagram and there are some brilliant photos - I'm so impressed each week. I've had three days away from the internet and now have a lot of catching up to do.

For those new to #ExplorerKids - it's a hashtag that I co-run with Su from @ethannevelyn. Anybody can join in by tagging pictures of their children on Instagram - exploring, adventuring and on their travels.

Each Tuesday myself and Su choose four pictures each to feature on social media and on our blogs.

This week I have chosen:

@fithriw - look at this brave young man climbing high up in the trees at Bumi Bambini Children's Centre, Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan in Indonesia.

@ethannevelyn - Young Ethan was watching the hot springs spouting whilst waiting for his eggs to cook on his recent trip to Thailand.

@jennysseaves - these two boys are having fun fishing on Fidden Beach on the Isle of Mull in Scotland. I love doing this with my kids.

@fivelittledoves - the beach looks so peaceful at Lytham St Anne's in Lancashire, UK. Just the younger members of the Dove family out with Mum and Dad.

Thanks so much to you all for letting me use these lovely photos - please do give everybody a follow.

Don't forget to take a look at Su's selections over at @ethannevelyn and give us both a follow @kippersandcurtains

I will be doing a round-up of my favourite pictures from May shortly.

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