As Christmas is approaching, you might be considering buying a Christmas tree, and you might be asking yourself the question: Which Christmas tree is better - real or fake? The short answer would be - real. But let’s see why that is.
Why should you choose a real Christmas tree this festive season
Better for the Environment
Real trees don’t require the same amount of carbon emissions for their production as
artificial ones. While these Christmas trees are being grown, they absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. What’s more, after the Christmas season is over, real trees are entirely biodegradable. They will decompose and nurture the ground. While real Christmas trees can live a life after death, the average lifespan of artificial Christmas trees is 8 years, after which they inevitably end up in a landfill or burned. According to statistics, artificial Christmas trees cause more greenhouse gas emissions than real Christmas trees.
Real Christmas trees smell great
There isn’t any artificial Christmas tree that can beat the smell of fresh pine needles. Even trying to emulate the scent through evergreen-scented candles can’t compare to the scents of the original.
They’re biodegradable and recyclable
Unlike artificial Christmas trees, real ones don't have a negative impact on the environment, climate change or resource depletion. Once they are done serving their purpose, they can be easily recycled and turned into mulch or firewood. On the other hand, artificial trees require more energy to produce since they’re made out of plastic and steel, eventually ending up in a landfill.
Buying real Christmas trees supports the local economy
There’s no better way to support smaller seasonal businesses than buying local. This holds especially true when it comes to Christmas trees. Fake Christmas trees are primarily sold in huge nation-spread chain stores, so purchasing these isn’t benefiting your local economy. On the other hand, real Christmas trees are usually sold in family-owned and operated Christmas tree farms.
Artificial Christmas Trees are a Safety Hazard!
Artificial Christmas trees are usually made with PVC - a harmful, non-biodegradable plastic. It consists of the most toxic man-made chemicals known, which, when released into the or water, they’re stored in our fatty tissues, making them a leading cause for many serious health issues. Moreover, the process of making PVC uses lead, which can be especially harmful to children under 6 who tend to touch everything and have a more fragile immune system, putting them at risk of contamination.
Real Christmas trees keep the festive traditions going
Buying a real Christmas tree isn’t just about tradition. It’s also about getting to spend time with your family. Children love to help choose the proper spruce for the jolly season, so it’s always a fun way of getting them engaged.
Plus, imagine the difference between setting up a fresh Christmas tree in your living room versus rehashing the same old plastic one from the basement. Christmas ornaments also favour the naturally pointy spruce over its plastic counterpart.
But enough about why natural is better, let’s get into choosing the right tree.
How to choose the best long-lasting real Christmas tree
If you’re buying the tree in person and not online, always do a quick inspection. Run your fingers along the branches and check if any needles fall from them straight away. This is the easiest way to determine whether your Christmas tree will last long or not. If many needles fall off from lightly swooping a branch, then the tree will probably wither away quickly.
Another way to find out if a tree doesn’t have much life in it is through its appearance. Trees that will die soon usually look thinner and drier.
How to maintain a real Christmas tree
A freshly cut Christmas tree can consume up to four litres of water only on its first day. Once it’s situated atop a quality water tank stand, it’s recommended you water it once a day with cold water. Every time you water the tree, remember to fill up the tank to the top with water. This will prevent dehydration and the branches from drooping.
Regarding the water temperature, like most other plants, Christmas trees prefer it cold. As to whether or not you can overwater your Christmas tree, the answer is probably “no”. Unless you keep filling the water tank every hour, you probably won’t risk killing your tree from too much water.