Welcome to Kippers and Curtains - a blog designed to inspire families to get back out into nature and explore!
Hey there lovely people!
My name's Sarah, I'm in my early 40s, married and mum to two teenage daughters and an 11-year-old son. I'm happiest with bare feet, listening to music and with feathers in my hair.
We live in a small flat in Surrey, just south of London in the UK.
Previously, I worked as a photographic and editorial assistant at the local newspaper, I spent 16 years there. I now blog and work from home as a VA (virtual assistant).
I am the co-creator of the #ExplorerKids hashtag over on Instagram and also a second called #FreeSpiritedChildhood
My family love the great outdoors, so we can often be found exploring the woods, camping, foraging and creating crafts from nature.
I'm a bit of a hippie chick and a festival lover and we own a bell tent. I love anything that's a bit bohemian and folky. My kiddos are also huge anime fans.
I love to make things and upcycle old furniture - most of our furniture is second hand or has been rescued from dumps. I like to share a lot about interiors and bohemian style.
We don't have a huge budget but still manage to get out exploring regularly and enjoy life.
I chose the name Kippers and Curtains for my blog after a friend once said the phrase to me, I'd never heard it before.
She was basically saying that I looked like I was doing well for myself. Nice clothes, two young kids (at the time) trendy baby accessories and then she saw where I lived - an unattractive looking block of council flats.
I told her that most of my kid's clothes were second-hand (as were mine) I just liked to shop around for a bargain. She then said you're what my Dad would describe as:
"all kippers and curtains" someone who liked to look well off "posh curtains at their window" but lived very cheaply "eating kippers."
This stuck in my head and seemed like the perfect name for my blog!
I hope we can inspire you to live life more simply, enjoy what the great outdoors has to offer - and who knows - you may even have some money to spare for little treats along the way?

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