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Into the Trees competition

Who would like to be in with a chance of winning a competition?

I have a family ticket for Into he Trees to give to one lucky family, so if you are able to get to Pippingford Park in East Sussex on September 3 or September 4, why not enter?

The ticket is for a family of four (two adults and two children) allowing a day out in the spectacular setting of the Ashdown Forest.

So, what's on offer

There will be six diverse woodland zones full of activities including:

Working in the trees - demonstration and craft workshops from skilled blacksmiths, tool makers, trug and basket makers and many more.

Playing in the trees - explore the tree canopies and play in the branches with climbing and slacklining. Enjoy woodland storytelling and games in the trees.

Art in the trees - create wonderful works of art with your family from wood and browse beautiful artwork from local artists.

Living in the trees - explore ways in which we can live in the trees. Get mucky with the kids and try mini mud hut building or check out the tree tents or Woodland Hut Company or Mark's True Tiny House.

Wildlife in the trees - join the brilliant experts from Sussex Wildlife Trust and other partners to learn more about the wonderful wildlife in the woods.

Surviving in the trees - discover ways in which we can survive in the woods with bush craft skills, foraging and more.

For more information visit

Enter here:

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