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Stop everything and get ready for September

Are you already counting the days before kids are back to schools? If you live in Scotland, it’s more than likely that your kids are already back to school. For every family, September officially marks the end of the summer holiday; even if you’ve already been back to work for a little while, it never feels real until the grey sky of September appears in the horizon.

September, the season of all the S’s: snails, school, and sniffles. For everyone, leaving the summer behind is somehow a traumatic event – not that you need therapy, but you will undoubtedly need a tip or two to make the most of the autumnal season without affecting your budget, health and home too much. It is a good time for home maintenance and making sure everything is in good working order. For example, hiring a company that offers AC Repairs will assure that your air conditioning system is in good working order to see you through the year.

Indeed, you can start packing your garden furniture back in the house – if you’ve got a garden –, the weather has taken a toll for the worse, and the heatwave is unlikely to come back. Additionally, you need to sit down and prepare your household for the challenges that the rest of the year is going to bring.

Back to school; back to the shops

If you’ve been indulging over the summer, it’s time to get a grip again. The back to school season is not without cost! Now is the best time to get your finances under control as you need to know what you’re spending money on. Indeed, as September is the time for many parents to invest in new stationery, uniforms and sometimes even school bags, you can’t afford to make do without a budget. Putting everything down on an Excel spreadsheet can feel like a daunting experience at first, but it will free your mind from worries when you begin to identify extra-spending habits. These bad habits, thankfully, can be managed and eliminated to free up cash for what you need to buy.

Goodbye summer; hello rain

Do you have your raincoat and your wellies at the ready? September is for sure going to be humid! In fact, after the heatwave of the summer, you need to protect your home from the risks of intense rain. If you have a garden, for instance, now is the time to aerate the soil to break through the dry and compact layers accumulated during the hot weather. This will help to absorb water when it rains. Additionally, if you haven’t been looking at your outdoors drains, it’s time to give them a clean – as a DIY job or using professionals such as AMS Drains – to make sure that they will not overflood. You’ll be surprised to find plenty of dust, old wrapping papers and discarded garbage that can block your drains.

Less sun and more bugs!

After the extremely high temperatures, your immune system is not ready to handle the grey and cold weather of September. You need to prepare your family so that they can avoid the first colds and flu of the colder months. If you’re worried about catching the flu, you can privately purchase flu vaccination from high street pharmacists. Stomach bugs are frequent during this period and can be prevented through hand washing. Additionally, you also should make sure to include plenty of vitamins C and E to your back to school diet.

In short, September is the time to take back control after the summer break. From money to health, you’re in charge again.

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Pictures sourced from Pixabay.


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