It's been a while since I made my first dreamcatcher, it was pretty basic, you can read about how I made it here.
In Native American cultures, a dreamcatcher is a handmade object based on a willow hoop, on which is woven a loose net or web. The dreamcatcher is then decorated with sacred items such as feathers and beads. The positive dreams would slip through the hole in the centre of the dream catcher, and glide down the feathers to the sleeping person below. The negative dreams would get caught up in the web, and expire when the first rays of the sun struck them.
I chose to make this one from a holly branch, which can easily be bent into shape, some hemp cord, sari ribbon, lace, feathers and beads.

The hemp is really easy to work with and comes in loads of different colours, I NEED more, mine is from Hemptique, I got it in TK Maxx, but it is also available on Amazon.
The sari ribbon is from Yarn Yarn, they have a fabulous range of ethically produced yarns and ribbons made from old sari fabric.
I painted the feathers myself a few months ago, you can see how here.

Once you've mastered the weave, which is pretty easy to get the hang of, you can go to town with what you decorate it with. I used a Turkish eye bead, from a broken old bracelet, in the centre, you can also incorparate beads into the weave too.
It's actually really theraputic - I want to make loads! I may even start selling them - watch this space!