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#FabFridayPost Linky #28

This week I am co-hosting the #FabFridayPost linky with Su from Ethan and Evelyn. I have linked up two of my posts including our FieldCandy teepee review and local bluebell walks.

I have co-hosted a couple of times now and have found a whole load of amazing new blogs to read.

The posts could be about anything relating from parenting, lifestyle, crafts, reviews and related competitions.

Either Su or myself will comment on your link up and will pick two to be feature on next week #FabFridayPost blog.

#FabFridayPost weekly linky opens every Friday – Monday (11.45pm).

Here are the rules:
  • This week you can link up to three posts – old or new.

  • Please remember to add the #FabFridayPost Badge html code - <div align="center"><a href="" title="ethannevelyn"><img src="" alt="ethannevelyn" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

  • Share the love – please do not drop and run away! Comment on all of both host posts and also comment on at least two other posts, including one in front of you. It really makes me sad when people do runaway. After all that’s what it’s all about!

  • Please kindly Tweet us with #FabFridayPost with me @ethannevelyn & Sarah @kipperscurtains to let us know that you have posted and we will RT back. Thank you.

Sarah and Su

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