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Taking some time to unwind

I'd swear life seems to speed up when you have kids. I can't believe we're nearly in May already, meaning there's just under three months left of this school year! In September my youngest will start school, Shan will be in year four and my eldest will be in her final year of junior school.

Life seems to always be incredibly busy, all the time with work, school, pre-school, trips, sleepovers, clubs, homework, cleaning........ oh, and trying to keep up with blog posts.

Last weekend one daughter was away at a sleepover, then both girls had a Brownies trip on Sunday - leaving us to spend a day alone with little Fin.

Being the youngest he's always been swept along with whatever everybody else is doing and rarely gets to spend a whole day alone with us.

We don't have money to spend on days out at the moment so we got out his little motorbike, grabbed some snacks and headed out for a hike.

He's used to walking a long way, he walks at least four miles a day doing the school run with me - but he loves being able to speed along on his bike. This area is Caterham viewpoint, we go here a fair bit as it's so peaceful.

There is a pathway through the North Downs Way which is lined with yew trees, they almost form a tunnel and on a bright day, when the light shines through, it looks amazing.

He missed his sisters so much that day. I just hope we're teaching our children to enjoy the simple things in life. We all need to slow down sometimes and breathe and take in some of the beauty that surrounds us.

Sunday's seem to be our only free day to unwind lately, so each Sunday we will try to explore somewhere new, switch off the tech and have some freedom.

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