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Divers Cove, Godstone

We live just three miles from a lovely little village called Godstone in Surrey. We've been on may woodland walks around the area but my husband was sure there was a reservoir somewhere - we just couldn't find it.

After seeing a Facebook post and working out exactly where it was - we found it - Divers Cove!

The cove is a beautiful 7.3 acres reservoir formerly used for sand extraction, due to the lakes natural biodiversity and sandy bottom, the water quality is exceptional and glows a beautiful turquoise green in the summer and winter sun.

We had turned up on a Sunday at 11am (weekend closing time) - the open air swimming was just finishing - they also offer scuba diving classes too.

It is free to park there and the small cafe was still open serving drinks, bacon sandwiches, cake and ice lollies. One of the guys there said we were welcome to wander down to the reservoir to have a look around. We had the dog with us too - and boy were they right - the water is a beautiful turquoise colour.

The reservoir is also surrounded by lovely walks, we took a little stroll alongside and even saw some rabbits.

It's a lovely place for a little wander and obviously if you wanted to become a member you could participate in the swimming and other activities.

We will certainly be going back for more walks, now that we know where it is. For local people you need to follow the sign to the Orpheus Centre and Divers Cove is sign posted from there.

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