Most people put lots of time, effort and money into their gardens during the warmer months- but are guilty of neglecting them as soon as the bad weather comes back around. Admittedly, it’s easily done, no one wants to be outside gardening or spending time outdoors in rain and gale force winds. But our gardens are part of our home, and so it’s worth making the most of them all year round- even if we can only enjoy them from the window for a portion of the year! The trick is to keep things simple and low maintenance, using services like can help you keep your garden looking great. Here’s how you can go about it.

Go with an artificial lawn
Grass in the garden looks great, it’s practical and is nice for kids and pets to play on. However, over the winter it can really start looking worse for wear. Flooding, freezing, disease and being trampled on when wet will all spoil your lawn. It’s not even safe during the summer, droughts can make it turn brown, and even at its best you have to keep up with constant lawn cutting. An artificial lawn such as these by LazyLawn solves all of these problems. It looks great all year around, and there’s no maintenance whatsoever. They’re blended with different colours so that they look very realistic, so something to consider if you don’t have the time or energy to maintain a real lawn.

Plant evergreens
Unlike most plants which lose their leaves over the colder months, evergreens will stay lush all year round. Incorporating them into your planting schemes means that once everything else has died off for the winter, you’ll still have some life and interest in the garden. You can also find winter flowering plants, but as with any kinds of flowers there will be some maintenance needed as you’ll have to deadhead them once they’re finished. But are a nice way to brighten up the space if you don’t mind doing some light winter gardening,

Go with slow growing shrubs
One of the biggest chores for many people in the garden is pruning shrubs. By the end of the summer many have grown massively and look wild and out of control. If you’re fed up of having to dig out your pruning shears every week then choose slow growing shrubs instead. These will add interest for your garden but won’t look messy every few months.
Limit flowerbeds
Flowerbeds are a nice way to edge a lawn, but they require a lot of work. Instead of surrounding your garden in flower beds, why not turf right up to the fences and then add one flower bed along the top, or cut out a wedge in one corner that you can fill with plants. That way you don’t need to get out there, weeding and digging every week. A couple of shrubs that flower at different times of the year will be all that’s needed.

*this is a collaborative post*